Smartphones Zte Blade X5 - phone test from the Techscanner portal team

Smartphones Zte Blade X5 — phone test from the Our portal team


ZTE Blade X5 - accessories

ZTE Blade X5 - accessories

At the bot­tom of the box are two small­er box­es with a charg­er, a USB cable and instruc­tion man­u­als in Euro­pean. Above, on the box­es with acces­sories, in a card­board extru­sion is the smart­phone itself. Let’s just say that the equip­ment is quite ascetic, but the smart­phone itself belongs to the class of bud­get devices.


zte t630

zte t630

The design of the ZTE Blade X5 is quite sim­ple, with­out any spe­cial fea­tures. We test­ed a mono­chro­mat­ic wet asphalt col­or sam­ple, ZTE calls it warm gray. The device weighs 129 grams and has dimen­sions of 142×70.4×8.9 mm mm. The smart­phone lies well in the hand, does not seem large. Almost the entire front sur­face is occu­pied by the screen. Above the screen are light and prox­im­i­ty sen­sors, speak­er and front cam­era. Below the screen are three touch but­tons. The mid­dle but­ton has an addi­tion­al func­tion of an event indi­ca­tor — it is high­light­ed when the bat­tery is low and charg­ing, missed calls, incom­ing SMS, etc.



The bat­tery cov­er cov­ers the entire back sur­face, made of smooth plas­tic. To remove it, you need to pry off the plas­tic for a spe­cial recess on one of the faces of the device.



Under the cov­er is a non-remov­able bat­tery, two slots for Sim-cards and a slot for a microSD mem­o­ry card.

There are no func­tion­al ele­ments on the left side of the ZTE Blade X5.



On the right are the pow­er but­ton and vol­ume rock­er.



Below the micro-USB con­nec­tor and the micro­phone hole. At the top is a 3.5mm head­phone jack. On the back, on the bat­tery cov­er, are the cam­era win­dows, flash, speak­er and self­ie but­ton. In terms of self­ies, the but­ton seemed not very con­ve­nient, when you try to press it with your index fin­ger, your thumb tries to press the cam­era off but­ton ear­li­er. How­ev­er, addi­tion­al func­tions can be assigned to the but­ton and, for exam­ple, it is very con­ve­nient to take screen­shots with its help.

The case of the ZTE Blade X5 has bevels to the ends on all sides, so a rather thin smart­phone looks even thin­ner.






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