Fast and clean: the pros and cons of window cleaning gadgets of different prices


Those who think that clean­ing win­dows is a wom­an’s job are deeply mis­tak­en. This process requires accu­ra­cy, strength, skill and, of course, spe­cial gad­gets.

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Most use­ful pro­gram» In her own exper­i­ment, she found out whether the price of win­dow clean­ers affects the effec­tive­ness of their work?

The pro­gram test­ed the most fash­ion­able and pop­u­lar mod­els of glass clean­ers. The tests involved devices of dif­fer­ent price cat­e­gories: cheap, medi­um and expen­sive.

Win­dow pol­lu­tion has come clos­er to those that res­i­dents of hous­es and apart­ments usu­al­ly encounter in every­day life. From the out­side, dirt and dust accu­mu­late on the glass, and on the inside there are traces of adhe­sive tape after New Year’s gar­lands and stick­ers, as well as drops of fat that fall on the win­dows in the kitchen dur­ing cook­ing. Also stains from yogurt and cot­tage cheese were added. Such pol­lu­tion can occur if there are chil­dren in the house. To ensure that all exper­i­ments were car­ried out under equal con­di­tions, only run­ning water was used to wash the win­dows.

Cheap gadget: a brush with a telescopic handle

The cheap price seg­ment was rep­re­sent­ed by a brush with a tele­scop­ic han­dle, which is sold in every hard­ware store and costs around 500 rubles.

As part of the test, the fol­low­ing advan­tages of this device were iden­ti­fied:

+ has a low cost;
+ quick­ly laun­ders dairy prod­ucts;
+ effec­tive in remov­ing dried drops of fat;
+ con­ve­nient to use: you can reach the far­thest cor­ners of the win­dows;
+ effec­tive in the fight against dirt and dust;
+ safe to use when wash­ing win­dows on upper floors.

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Despite all the advan­tages, the brush has some dis­ad­van­tages:

- does not save win­dows from traces of adhe­sive tape with­out spe­cial chem­i­cals;
It took 30 min­utes to clean one win­dow.

If you get used to it, then this device is an excel­lent tool for remov­ing dirt on glass­es. If you also use spe­cial chem­istry when wash­ing win­dows, then the device will cope even with out­dat­ed pol­lu­tion.

Average price: magnetic window cleaning brush

The aver­age price tag was rep­re­sent­ed by a mag­net­ic brush. Such a device con­sists of two parts, inside each of which a pow­er­ful mag­net is installed. Thanks to this, the glass can be washed from both sides at once.

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Such a gad­get costs already 1000 rubles.

Dur­ing the tests, the mag­net­ic brush proved to be both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive. Of the advan­tages, the fol­low­ing can be dis­tin­guished:

+ has an accept­able cost;
+ firm­ly adheres to sin­gle-cham­ber glass;
+ well wash­es dust and dirt from the out­side of the win­dow;
+ helps to speed up the process if the glass is not very dirty and there is no grease or glue on it.

But this device has a num­ber of very seri­ous dis­ad­van­tages:

- the half of the gad­get, which is locat­ed on the oppo­site side of the win­dow, may acci­den­tal­ly fall if you do not use the safe­ty cable;
- does not cope well with greasy stains;
- inef­fec­tive with­out a spe­cial deter­gent.

When choos­ing such a device, it is also worth con­sid­er­ing the thick­ness of the win­dow. If the glass is thick and con­sists of sev­er­al cam­eras, then the gad­get may not grab.

Expensive device: window cleaning robot

The most expen­sive gad­get that par­tic­i­pat­ed in the test was a win­dow clean­ing robot. Its cost was as much as 18 thou­sand rubles. The prin­ci­ple of oper­a­tion of the device is based on the fact that inside the gad­get there is a small elec­tric motor that cre­ates a vac­u­um, and due to this, the robot is attached to the win­dow.

Of the advan­tages that can be iden­ti­fied when using the gad­get:

+ mul­ti­func­tion­al, as it can be used not only for wash­ing win­dows, but also for ceram­ic tiles and kitchen apron;
+ has a remote con­trol sys­tem;
+ can work both from a net­work, and from the accu­mu­la­tor;
+ saves clean­ing time.

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True, the oper­a­tion of the device, despite the high price, leaves much to be desired. The gad­get has many dis­ad­van­tages:

- has a high cost;
- can break away from the glass and fall if you do not use insur­ance;
- copes with com­plex pol­lu­tion not the first time;
- round brush­es can­not wash the cor­ners of the win­dow;
- The bat­tery only lasts 20 min­utes.

It turns out that when using an expen­sive glass clean­ing robot, you will have to fin­ish some­thing your­self, so the gad­get will jus­ti­fy its price only if there are a lot of win­dows in the house.







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